ECT 2020 Workshops

Progressive Heathen Studies: Updates from Academia – Annie Cúglas (Download Bibliography)

The outdated concepts of an “all-white Europe” and gender rigidity affects popular perceptions of pre-modern Norse societies, right into contemporary debates about heathen theology and practice. But current scholarship on Icelandic sagas and Scandinavian archaeology is correcting decades of conservative interpretation, bringing new understanding of race and queer theories to heathen topics. This workshop introduces heathens at any level of study to the latest discoveries and publications advancing Norse studies into anti-racist, post-colonial, and inclusive discourse.

Stirring the Mead of Poetry: The Poetics of Skaldic Verse – Ann Gróa Sheffield (Download)

Skaldic poetry, scholars of Norse literature agree, is difficult: difficult to compose, and difficult to decipher. That’s what makes it fun! In this class, I will discuss the different forms of skaldic verse and the rules for each along with examples in modern English. Equipped with this knowledge, you too will be able to make like Egill and write your own skaldic verses.

Zisa, Undoer of Knots – Paul “Gage” Mercurio (Download)

Our lore says nothing about Zisa, the Undoer of Knots and wife of Tyr. …or does it? Come to this workshop and find out. We will discuss the scraps of innuendo and bits of folklore that we have on her. Then we will add to it the structures of comparative philology and attempt to peel back a religious palimpsest. Finally, we will wrap it up all in a large bundle of UPG. The outcome of all this will be a thorough understanding of Zisa. It is hoped attendees will develop an appreciation for a goddess who is both of, and for, Modern Heathenry, yet who also has roots as deep as any other deity in our faith.

Heathen Metal History – Ryan Chapman (Download)

Heathenry and metal have always been orbiting around one another for years and years. The idea of the Norse gods as well as Vikings has always been common themes in many subgenres within the metal tree. From power metal stalwarts like Blind Guardian to obscure Italian epic doom metal bands like DoomSword the ideas and imagery of Norse themes is commonplace across the underground metal spectrum. Ryan Chapman will be covering various timelines from the early 1990s until now and the bands that have specifically used Norse themes prominently both for good and for ill. He will explain how metal music and themes have evolved over the years in regards to heathenism and the sudden explosion of various primal Scandinavian folk acts that have arisen from the metal ashes.

Beyond the Vé-Stead: Addressing the Heathen Religious Problem of Isolation and the Work Toward Positive Visibility – Ethan Stark (Download)

Beginning in 1972 with the formation of the Ásatrú Fellowship of Iceland (perhaps earlier, albeit not recorded), the focus of Heathenry has always been inward – concerning the development of our practice and faith as well as the formation of our spiritual communities. Though we greatly advanced our understanding of the Heathen faith, this focus also drew us away from the rest of the world. This presentation will address our often insular approach to spirituality through several concepts of Germanic thought. Additionally, it will propose a solution whereby we broaden our application of our spiritual values in order to seek greater and more positive visibility in the eyes of our respective social communities and world religion through the use of interfaith and activist initiatives.

ECT 2019 Workshops

The Lore and You – Annie Cúglas & Ann Gróa Sheffield (Link)

Are you interested in reading the primary documents that make up the foundation of heathen scholarship, but feel intimidated by the process? No fear! If you have an internet connection you can access the same information as academics. This workshop will introduce you to the critical reading of medieval narratives. (Modern) English language sources for Icelandic texts will be emphasized, but information about Anglo-Saxon texts and learning Old Norse and Old English will be included as well.

Landscape and the Lore: Consideration of Geography and Setting in Mining Meaning from Myth – Dave Iverson (Download)

Our discussion focus will be on setting, often the most underrepresented element of story development in literary analysis, and its influence on symbolism/semiotics, major and minor. In more closely scrutinizing setting’s place, one can glean new understanding from mythological and religious sources even with which he/she is long familiar.

Going on a Trip?: What the Hippies and Freaks Can Teach us About Altered States of Consciousness – Stephanie (Conrod) Janicedottir (Download)

As the Northeast Heathen community grows and includes more varied forms of ritual, both public and private, including those of an ecstatic and esoteric nature, I feel that there is a need for a more prosaic conversation to explore and discuss the various forms of meditation and consciousness exploration that we engage in in our practice. I would also like to look at the counter culture of the 1960s as a model of practice specifically the combination of music and art as a means to express and explore spirituality and a greater sense of self-awareness and how these concepts and techniques can be used to inform us individually and in a larger group setting/working.

“Auz’s Memes for Heathen Scenes” – Austin ‘Auz’ Lawrence (Download)

After Auz analyzed Stephen McNallen’s racist YouTube rhetoric as part of his doctoral research, he was reminded how important memes are in both reflecting and leading opinion in our social media world. He realized there were not enough inclusive Heathen memes. (Are there ever?!) So he started to write them himself and now he is addicted to the production of the dank jokes. Some of the memes are just for fun, some have obscure references, some are educational. This, not-exactly-a-workshop, will be mainly a slide show of a selection of the memes, where Auz and the audience will discuss the references in the memes and chat about any of the issues they raise regarding Heathen culture or religious belief.

Elf-locks, Lúfa, and Witchelzopf: A Personal Reflection on Matted Hair Traditions and Heathenry – Austin ‘Auz’ Lawrence (Download PaperDownload Presentation)

In this presentation, Auz will describe some methods for locking hair, then present some ethnographic and historical examples of hair locking traditions grounded in spirituality: Hindu; Rastafari; and, Plains First Nations. Auz will discuss two historical examples of hair locking in areas of Germanic cultural influence: that relate to oaths and warrior culture; and, to belief in elves (alfar, fairies).

Of Ættir and Álfar: A Re-interpretation of Elves – Austin ‘Auz’ Lawrence (Download)

In this presentation, Auz makes a case for re-interpreting álfar as beings of equivalency to humans, not as either ‘supernatural’ or ‘ancestors’. His argument is based primarily on a structural analysis of cosmological references in the Prose Edda, a kinship analysis of likely álfar figures in the myths, and, ethnographic comparison of historical Old Norse and Sámi cultures. The theological implications include advancing the development of a sound theoretical groundwork for gandr-sorcery, and ‘racism-proofing’ Heathen world-views, amongst others.

Men, Women, and Honor in the Sagas of Icelanders, or, Why Viking Penis Honor is for Losers – Ann Gróa Sheffield (Download)

In Icelandic sagas, the kind of “honor” that is most readily apparent is one based on an aggressive concept of masculinity. Such “honor” is fragile: any slight or challenge must be answered, typically with bloodshed, or a man’s reputation is forever tarnished. In this paper, I argue that a fundamentally different concept of honor, one based on prosocial behavior and moderation, not only was exhibited by both men and women in saga-narratives but also is represented as ultimately more successful than the competing strategy based on violence. This difference is most evident in sagas that describe the fates of aging characters: belligerent, hypermasculine men inevitably lose status as their physical abilities decline, but men and women who have won respect for qualities such as generosity and good judgement remain honored members of their families and communities to the end of their days.

ECT 2018 Workshops

Heathen Motherhood in Theory and Practice – Annie Cúglas (Link)

Historically, definitions of womanhood centered around motherhood. Gender essentialism is thankfully eroding in today’s inclusive heathenry, yet the assumptions of motherhood persist even in the most progressive communities. Heathen women who are in- or sub-fertile, non-binary people and transgender women, and women who choose not to bear children frequently suffer from indirect but pervasive pressure to become mothers. Those who become pregnant or adopt then encounter the ‘mommy track’ of heathenry, where their identity becomes sidelined by the functions of motherhood. Heathen women become mothers instead of their former selves, while heathen men become fathers in addition to their prior roles. Many female saga figures, like Auðr djúpúðga and Freydís Eiríksdóttir, and goddesses, like Skaði and Freyja, are mothers; yet they function with few ‘domestic’ attributes. Meanwhile, heathenry is not alone in facing issues about maternal identity, as much modern secular scholarship concerns motherhood and its implications. As inclusive heathens interested in bettering everyone’s access to the gods, we must consider how heathen mothers, and women who are not mothers, are best served by the community.

Ascending the Steps of Hliðskjálf: The Early Cult of Óðinn and What We Can Learn from It – Jósúa Hróðgeir Rood (Link)

Odin is commonly portrayed as the Sovereign ruler of gods and men. This portrayal has shaped how modern Asatruar relate to him. But it is natural to ask how Odin developed into the ruling, “Allfather” that we are presented with. Josh Rood will shed light on this process, arguing when, where and how Odin first began to be associated with sovereignty, what roles his cult may have played for those who worshiped him, and offering us a glimpse of Odin prior to his becoming “Allfather”. The presentation will end with a discussion of how Asatruar can apply this information to our own relationship with not only Odin, but the ancient Heathenism from which the inspiration for our own living religion is derived.

The Potion With the Poison, the Brew That is True – Ann Gróa Sheffield (Download)

With few exceptions, drinks with ‘magical’ properties – draughts of forgetfulness and memory-enhancement, poisoned drinks, ‘love potions’ – in Old Norse literature are produced and deployed by female characters. Even in situations that are more ambiguous, a woman’s involvement is often stated or implied. Scholarly analysis of the role of such magically potent liquids, however, has generally emphasised the myth of the mead of poetry, its connection with the god Óðinn, and its significance to the (primarily male) skalds who so often refer to it. In this presentation, I will focus instead on literary representations of women as brewers and bestowers of drinks of power in Eddic poetry, the Sagas of Icelanders, the fornaldarsögur, and other medieval Scandinavian texts and draw some tentative conclusions about women’s connection with “drinks of power.”

FUTHARK: An Introduction to the 1st Six – Mike Smith (Download)

In this workshop, presented by Mike Smith (Úlfar aff Jera Þjóð), an introduction into the first six runes of the Elder/Younger Futhark will be presented.

Rhythm, Music, and Dance in Ritual – Mike Smith (Download)

This discussion and presentation will be about dance and rhythm of a ritual context in past and modern Ásatrú. Examples in archeology and literature will be examined and discussed.

ECT 2017 Workshops

Urban Nature – Paul “Gage” Mercurio (Download)

In 2014, the UN documented that over half the people on this planet live in urban areas. Our world-affirming faith focuses on nature and connecting with the landvaettir.  Yet for most of us, we do not live in untouched natural areas.  How can we connect with the built environment in addition to the natural one?  What analogs to natural features can be found in urban environments?  What does community mean when does not know one’s neighbors?  And what do the terms “urban” or “natural” even mean?  Utilizing concepts from environmental psychology, economic geography and landscape architecture, we will train ourselves to see natural connections is some of the most built up places.  The ultimate aspiration of this workshop is to have people feel as connected with nature in Times Square as in the Adirondacks.

Mead from an Eagle – Eirik Westcoat (Download)

Eirik recites the best of his award-winning poetry in traditional Germanic meters, including all of his past ECT Skaldic Competition entries and never-before-heard-at-ECT pieces from his first book, Viking Poetry for Heathen Rites.  If there is sufficient participation, one of the three ritual dramas from the book will be recited also, with members of the audience taking on the various roles.

ECT 2016 Workshops

Lenses and the Lore: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory – Dave Iverson (Download)

This is a beginner’s exploration into literary theory and how it might be applied to the sagas, eddas, et al. for deeper analysis and ancillary interpretations.  There will be little to no actual lore dissected, as this is a “101” class only meant to exhibit the tools and show how and why they are used; application of discussed theories will be presented at future follow up presentations.

Thor’s ‘Other’ ToolsAustin “Auz” Lawrence (Download)

Thor is most associated with his ownership of Mjollnir, the mighty hammer.  Less familiar are the gifts he received from Grið; his belt Megingjörð, his staff Gríðarvölr, and his gloves Járngreipr. This workshop will outline instances from early medieval prose and skaldic literature where these tools are mentioned, discuss instances of how belts, staves, and gloves were used by ur-Heathens in religious and sorcerous rites, as well as offer speculation on the possible symbolic and theological meaning of these tools. If there is time, there will be a description of the application of these symbols in an esoteric rite that took place at the Hail and Horn Gathering 2016.

Dimensions of Heathenism – Ann Gróa Sheffield (Download)

Why do non-Heathens (and new Heathens) often have difficulty coming to grips with how Heathens view and do things? What are the roots of some of the divisions within modern Heathenry? Drawing on work by scholars of religion, including Ninian Smart’s “dimensions of the sacred” and Stephen Prothero’s insight that different religions respond to different existential questions, we will explore how these concepts might apply to Heathenism – can they help us better articulate our underlying assumptions and our aspirations for the future? The presenter will offer more questions than answers, and lively discussion is anticipated and encouraged!

Runes: In Study and Application – Mike Smith (Download)

In the workshop, we will very briefly discuss magic, runes, how magic was viewed historically, and how they can be used for application in one’s life to inspire, remind, and empower the practitioner.

The Skald in the Probable Works of Snorri Sturluson – Eirik Westcoat (Download)

Snorri was clearly aiming to promote skaldic poetry by writing Edda. Kevin Wanner’s book, Snorri Sturluson and the Edda argues that he wrote it to shore up the power of skaldic verse to gain rewards  in the Norwegian court. If so, did it end there? It is generally agreed that he also wrote Heimskringla, and there is a strong possibility that he wrote Egils saga as well. So, this presentation looks how the figure of the skald is depicted in these works, with an eye to to how it may be an idealized image that promotes a demand for skalds by the Norwegian court and a desire to be a skald by Icelanders. A vision of the skald may indeed be derived from these works. It is a multi- faceted vision that orients the skald with respect to the gods, the past, myth, poetry itself, training, duties, relations to others, and more.

This presentation is based on Eirik’s recent MA/MPhil thesis. In some ways, it is an expansion of topics addressed in his 2014 ECT Workshop, “Using the Norse Mead Myth for Creative Inspiration.”

The Valknut: Heart of the Slain? – Eirik Westcoat (Download) (Link)

The valknut is a mysterious symbol of three interlocking triangles — yet it has become a popular sign of dedication to Odin in modern Asatru. But what might it have meant to Viking Age Scandinavia? This presentation looks at a variety of Old Norse evidence to demonstrate an interpretation of the valknut as the ideal, steady, and brave heart of the slain warrior — the sort that is chosen for Valhalla — and that it is connected with Hrungnir’s Heart (in Snorri’s tale of the duel with Thor) because the latter, being made of stone, is an exemplar of steadiness. Etymologies, kennings, skaldic poetry, Vǫlsunga saga, Gotland picture stones, and more will be included. You might never look at your valknut the same way again after this! True to Eirik’s skaldic style, some poetic invocations for making effective use of this perspective will also be offered to the attendees.

Presenter bios are available here.